Jr Dev

Clean Architecture Take Away Part 1

The Take away Over the last few months, I have reviewed clean architecture, the book, and various codebases. Then, I engaged with the tech community around me on Twitter. Currently, my takeaway is...

Minimal APIs in C#: A Step Past the Beginner’s Guide

Introduction: Being in the C# space for over six plus years. You get in the habit of doing things the dotnet way. I personally like that dotnet is very vocal in patterns and how to structure things...

Coupling and Cohesion

Software design principles like coupling and cohesion play a significant role in determining the quality and maintainability of software systems. When high coupling and low cohesion exist, the soft...

Working With WebApplicationFactory

Throughout my career, I have seen the testing pyramid. I was under the impression that one should create more unit tests than integration tests with a dash of UI testing. The first part of my caree...

Using Tests To Speed up FeedBack Loop

Why Do I Even Care to Test? I have worked in a few code bases that only had tests at the center layers of the application. The team would rarely touch that code plus there is a good chance the test...

Intro To DI, Aggregation Association And Composition

Why are we here Sometimes while learning software concepts. I like to dig a few layers deeper to understand better. One of my older mentors used to say, “You have to bring books to the books someti...

An Example of Reflection

Like most people during covid, I missed my coding groups!!! I use to belong to three or four groups. While they are still around none of my local branches decided to go virtual. So I expanded my op...

The T In TDD

By this point. If you have read some of my older blog postings. You know I am a part of a programming group that is big on TDD and the DDD paradigm. My mind is all over the place and I learn 5 thin...

Strategy Pattern

I joined this group to improve my programming skills and understanding of software concepts. In this group, there is a book list. One of those recommended books is Head First Design Patterns. In th...

Growing as a dev during covid

My first free form blog post is not going to be 100% technical. I knew this time would come. Throughout my short career, I have always seen this similar conversation pop up in some way, “How good ...